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Archive: Blog

Mandy Phillips: Integrated Disclosures Will Bring About ‘Philosophical Shift’

By: MortgageOrb, "Mandy Phillips: Integrated Disclosures Will Bring About ‘Philosophical Shift’" PERSON OF THE WEEK: Amanda (Mandy) Phillips is legal and compliance senior executive for Accenture Mortgage Cadence. MortgageOrb recently interviewed Phillips to learn about how the company is helping lenders meet the upcoming deadline for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) new integrated disclosures […]

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Lessons learned in getting to the closing table with millennials

Today’s millennial borrowers demand transparency; it is no longer acceptable to keep your borrowers in the dark and expect them to be agreeable.

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The CFPB Favors eClosing

By: Dan Green for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released “Leveraging Technology to Empower Consumers at Closing” on August 5, 2015. This is an eagerly anticipated report covering the eClosing Pilot project the CFPB conducted with a group of lenders and mortgage technologists during the first four months of this year. […]

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What Influences You?

By: Trevor Gauthier for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive My point is this: the mortgage industry has reached a point at which we have to examine our past influencers while at the same time looking for new ones. In the space of ten days this past summer, I saw Lady Gaga, Slash and Aerosmith in concert. At […]

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Tune Up or Overhaul

Mortgage technology overhaul or tune-up? This is the question every lender should ask and answer after reviewing their productivity results.

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The (high) cost of mortgage lending

By: Dan Green for CBInsight There are many ways to answer the question, “What does it cost a credit union to close a mortgage loan in 2013?” The quick answer is, “A lot more than it once did.” Those of us who lent in the 90s through the early 2000s watched the cost of closing […]

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The Industry's Next Frontier

By: Paul Wetzel for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive Increasing efficiency while decreasing costs is an ancient mortgage industry topic. We dealt with it at the turn of the century and made substantial gains only to watch them all roll back under the twin tides of the housing crisis and the regulatory onslaught. Operating costs are reaching […]

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Feed The Factory

By: Trevor Gauthier for Today's Lending Insights According to conventional wisdom, creating a mortgage loan is like a manufacturing process, with loans progressing along an assembly line that starts with origination and ends with delivery. But the process actually begins before origination when will-be buyers have their first thoughts about homeownership. Without their applications — […]

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Vintage strategies for a prosperous 2014 pt. 2

By: Dan Green for CBInsight Last month we introduced part one of vintage strategies with the idea of providing mortgage lenders five ideas for a successful new year. Part one provided the first two strategies. Part two presents the remaining three. In January’s article, we discussed the importance of recognizing market differences. There are many, […]

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Mortgage Auld Lang Syne

By: Dan Green for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive Assuming the next twelve months proves this, why look back when we have so much to look forward to? As we start the new year there’s no disputing we’ve sung our last Auld Lang Syne for at least eleven months. But there’s something about the song that bears […]

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Vintage strategies for a prosperous 2014

By: Dan Green for CBInsight Each year brings new opportunities for a fresh start. New resolutions. New goals. New tactics for success. Have you looked beyond your personal goals and thought about what new strategies you will establish this year to amplify your business objectives? With 2014’s shift to purchase lending, we are likely to […]

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