Fast-forward to today and SaaS is the new standard for all applications (even mission-critical) for all mortgage organizations (yes, including top-tier lenders!).
Fast-forward to today and SaaS is the new standard for all applications (even mission-critical) for all mortgage organizations (yes, including top-tier lenders!).
Leaders in the mortgage industry have an obligation to shape this new era of mortgage lending with a clear focus on long-term, manageable growth and stability.
"That’s what has made Mortgage Cadence so successful. The company has always managed to stay ahead of the curve."
"It was a combination of having the best team, a dedication to highquality delivery and a true partnership approach with our customers."
"The population interested in housing continues to grow, showing that the American Dream of owning a home remains as strong as ever. So why does housing, and the mortgage business, continue to disappoint?"
By: Jake Petersen, "Industrialization of growing organizations," for CUInsight Growth within any organization can be a benefit and a curse. As a company grows, it faces the challenge of on-boarding new employees while rising to the increased demands of a growing customer base. In any complex company, it is difficult to replicate the knowledge of […]
By: Paul Wetzel, "Back to the Future of Lending," for CMBA News The year was 1985. As the DeLorean flew its way into the year 2015, we got a “sneak peek” at what was to come 30 years into the future. With technology gaining momentum unlike anything previously seen with the rollout of personal computers, […]
By: Dan Green for CUInsight My wife and I recently closed on our eighth (and hopefully last) home purchase. This purchase, combined with the places we’ve rented, brings our total address count to about fourteen in just thirty years. That’s more than enough for a lifetime! While this may be our last home, it is […]
By: Progress in Lending TRID has been all consuming for the past two years now. Top executives gathered at the Fifth Annual ENGAGE Event to discuss what happens now. What will the mortgage industry be like now that TRID is a reality? In the end, lenders have to demonstrate that they are making an effort […]
By: Dan Green for CBInsight There was good news a few weeks ago for mortgage lenders. In late August 2015, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported that the all-in cost-to-close for mortgage loans decreased from $7,195 to $6,984, a total savings of $211. Two hundred bucks might not seem like a big deal, but it is, […]
By: Amanda Phillips for Tomorrow's Mortgage Executive We still have more time to deal with TRID before the industry will need to refocus its attentions on what’s next, but HMDA and Fair Lending are the candidates most likely to be affected by reform. For over a year, it has been all TRID, all the time. […]
By: Jake Petersen for Today's Lending Insights Every organization strives to serve its customers at a world-class level; however, taking customer service past the concept of a “help desk” is often an afterthought. Most companies view support as something similar to the 1990s Maytag commercials, where the lonely repairman is waiting for someone to call […]
The institution must undertake its own initiatives in the face of a constantly evolving set of external conditions.
By: Mike Sorohan MBA NewsLink recently posed questions to Trevor Gauthier, managing director of Accenture Mortgage Cadence, Denver. Gauthier joined Accenture in 2013, leading development and execution of the company’s vision and short/long term strategies. He previously served as chief sales and marketing officer with Mortgage Cadence; his responsibilities included enterprise and mid-market software solutions […]
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