More than 50% of your Cost-to-Close is labor, so monitoring this metric helps management focus their attention on those activities that are affecting production and dragging down profitability.
More than 50% of your Cost-to-Close is labor, so monitoring this metric helps management focus their attention on those activities that are affecting production and dragging down profitability.
Where the historic best of breed argument was more theoretical with far more limited options, today the possibilities are practically limitless, making concrete best of breed more attainable.
If solely technology could make the difference, those using the “best” LOS would all perform at a very high level. The truth is, however, that technology is only part of the answer.
Becoming a high-performance lender will reduce the cost to close. Our data shows the average lender will save $3 million per year.
"Too often, lenders will adjust staff in anticipation of volume changes, a costly and inefficient way to meet market demands and ultimately reduces their Productivity metric. Our top performers address this challenge differently." Read below.
"Remember that the easier you make things for your customers, the more likely they will be to return to you, and to send other people your way as well."
Operational efficiency happens when your team is executing against a strategic plan in the most productive way. Your people, processes and technology are in cadence and you're achieving high performance lending which leads to satisfied borrowers, more closed loans, higher profitability, and all with the highest level of regulatory compliance.
As an innate feature of Mortgage Cadence’s LOS, Borrower Center creates a fully integrated digital experience for borrowers.
Mortgage Cadence is committed to providing lenders with the tools to help solve for these increased compliance demands, and our integration with ComplianceAnalyzer will do just that.
Tracking these KPI’s and maximizing them is one of the surest signs of a high performance lender.
In this session, you’ll learn how to create a borrower-centric organization that builds loyalty and develops lifelong customers.
Every lender should work to get every bit of power out of the technology tools in which they invest. In our study of the best performers in the industry, we found that the nation’s top lenders respond to this question in three primary ways.
Wondering how your institution compares to the industry average when it comes to key performance statistics? Find out how Mortgage Cadence customers are tracking progress against their goals to build a growth strategy and gaining wallet share using these surprisingly simple equations.
For many, Blockchain technology may seem like a foreign language. It is, however, rapidly gaining traction in the mortgage industry and promises to be an important language to learn.
The need to be competitive in the mortgage lending business has never been greater. Fortunately, depository lenders have an advantage in this area as their existing customer base is a ready-made prospect database for mortgage lending, if they can tap it. High performance lending and greater profitability comes can be tracked to 5 KPIs.