Every lender should work to get every bit of power out of the technology tools in which they invest. In our study of the best performers in the industry, we found that the nation’s top lenders respond to this question in three primary ways.
Every lender should work to get every bit of power out of the technology tools in which they invest. In our study of the best performers in the industry, we found that the nation’s top lenders respond to this question in three primary ways.
Wondering how your institution compares to the industry average when it comes to key performance statistics? Find out how Mortgage Cadence customers are tracking progress against their goals to build a growth strategy and gaining wallet share using these surprisingly simple equations.
For many, Blockchain technology may seem like a foreign language. It is, however, rapidly gaining traction in the mortgage industry and promises to be an important language to learn.
The need to be competitive in the mortgage lending business has never been greater. Fortunately, depository lenders have an advantage in this area as their existing customer base is a ready-made prospect database for mortgage lending, if they can tap it. High performance lending and greater profitability comes can be tracked to 5 KPIs.
Whether you are on the hunt for a new career, looking to connect with potential clients or interested in gaining more authentic followers, your LinkedIn profile is the starting line.
Mortgage Cadence's user conference, Ascent, aims to improve Borrower Experience with lenders & best-in-class service providers. In April, a group of top lenders and best in class service providers from all over the country traveled to The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs to attend Mortgage Cadence’s annual user conference, Ascent, with the common goal of improving […]
Ask her about how to create authentic content. It’s her secret talent.
A highly personalized borrower experience that is fast, simple, transparent and secure across all channels, both online and offline, is a universal want of all borrowers.
Mortgage Cadence's Collaboration Center product was voted one of the top four demos of the Digital Mortgage Conference.
Everyday unsuspecting borrowers, lenders and 3rd party providers are being targeted by cyber criminals in the dark web who are patiently building out their attack one transaction at a time. Cybercrime a growing industry with 2018 estimations to be $9 Billion up from $5.3 Billion in 2017.
When it comes to technology and the mortgage industry, change is the name of the game. Technology has enabled automation, which has led to borrowers expecting around the clock accessibility. On today’s episode of LendTech Live, Michael Hammond, President of Nexlevel Advisors, shares his depth of knowledge in the lending industry and details how exceeding […]
It’s 2018 and it’s time for women to shatter the glass ceiling in every industry. Mortgage lending is no exception. How can you empower the women in your company to reach their full potential and continue to stay at the front of the pack? On today’s episode of LendTech Briefing, Tina Lindsey, Director of Sales […]
Most banks and credit unions are fighting for the same mortgage lending business and borrowers, but are they succeeding? No one likes to be bombarded with advertisements and offer emails, especially in mortgage marketing. So how do you promote your mortgage lending business and provide the optimal borrower experience without annoying your customers?
Construction loans have been manufactured the same way for decades. New technologies, however, are stepping into the field and digital mortgages are increasing efficiency and providing a better borrower experience.
Every business wants to maximize profits while maintaining loyal customers and happy employees. So how can assessing the proper technology aid in developing a roadmap strategy?