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June 20, 2024

What Makes a Great Conference? Questions.

When attending industry events, participants find the most value when they actively engage with presenters by asking specific questions.

As we continue to reflect on the recent Mortgage Cadence Ascent User Conference, one insight is coming into focus. When attendees asked presenters for answers to their specific questions, they stated they got more out of the event, and so did we.

It's easy to get swept up in a whirlwind of presentations, meetings, and events without pausing to ensure you are actually extracting the full value of the conference. One simple tool can make sure that doesn’t happen.

We sat down with George Morales, one of the Mortgage Cadence MCs for the event, to talk about a conversation where this topic came up.

Pushing for maximum value

Part of George’s work during the event was to keep things moving. There were many informative sessions to take advantage of on the agenda that resonated with all of our customers. There was also networking and engagement time built in to ensure the Mortgage Cadence team and fellow customers and partners who were in attendance had quality time to connect, ask questions and learn more on topics that they desired to inquire on.

“The goal was to create an open forum for customers to voice thoughts and questions, seek recommendations, and map out future partnerships,” Morales said. “To that end, our presenters and other MC team members dedicated considerable time for attendees to have candid, personalized dialogues where no subjects were off-limits. Those who pushed for answers went away with the most value from the event.”

The true worth of investing time and resources into an event like Ascent emerges from the answers, action plans, and relationships secured – not just passive participation. By the time the attendee is in the car and heading to the airport, there should be clear takeaways and next steps in mind before that return flight home.

This is exactly what happened. We know this because in the days following Ascent, there have already been follow-ups with numerous attendees to solicit unvarnished feedback. Conversations have been proactively scheduled with those who expressed interest in providing further reflections.

The aim is to accurately assess Ascent's impact and continually improve for the future based on candid perspectives of what was taken away and what could have been executed better. This progressive mindset exemplifies a core philosophy of posing thoughtful questions, pressing for substantive answers, and rapidly incorporating lessons learned.

It’s all about the mindset

Having a growth mindset where constructive feedback is constantly sought is essential in any client-focused business. Being available to dig into clients' biggest needs and challenges, making schedules malleable to suit their priorities, is paramount.

By maintaining this conscientious approach in all interactions, no engagement simply checks a box. Rather, there is perpetual driving towards clearly defined actions that will propel customer success.

This is what we saw at Ascent when attendees pressed for answers to their questions and didn’t stop asking until they got the insights they needed to move forward.

As key takeaways from Ascent's sessions and conversations are distilled, careful examination will occur of what landed effectively and what areas need refinement. The insights extracted will fuel intelligent product roadmap adjustments, operational improvements, and an even more seamless attendee experience going forward.

Ascent wasn’t any ordinary user conference. It facilitated collaborative discussions that deepened relationships. If you weren’t able to join us, reach out to us today for a recap, and then plan to join us next time.

By George Morales, National Sales Director at Mortgage Cadence 

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Media Contacts

Mortgage Cadence: 
Alison Flaig 
Head of Marketing 
(919) 906-9738